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The prince and the pauper / TWAIN, Mark   Publication: Longman (Reino Unido) 1997 Physical description: 57 p. :il. col. ;19 cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES Plurilingüe Pintor Colmeiro (2),

As aventuras de Tom Sawyer / TWAIN, Mark   Publication: Xerais (Vigo) 1985 Physical description: 330 p. :il. n. ;19 cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES Plurilingüe Pintor Colmeiro (1),

The adventures of Tom Sawyer / TWAIN, Mark   Publication: Oxford University Press (Reino Unido) 1997 Physical description: 43 p. :il. ;20 cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES Plurilingüe Pintor Colmeiro (4),

The adventures of Tom Sawyer / TWAIN, Mark   Publication: Richmond Publishers (Madrid) 1997 Physical description: 126 p. :il. ;20 cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES Plurilingüe Pintor Colmeiro (2),

The adventures of Huckleberry Finn / TWAIN, Mark   Publication: Penguin Books (Reino Unido) 2000 Physical description: 54 p. :il. ;20 cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES Plurilingüe Pintor Colmeiro (2),

El príncipe y el mendigo / TWAIN, Mark   Publication: El País (Madrid) 2004 Physical description: 281 :il. ;20 cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES Plurilingüe Pintor Colmeiro (1),

Reflexiones contra la religión / TWAIN, Mark   Publication: Trama Editorial (Madrid) 2001 Physical description: 62 p. :il. ;20 cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES Plurilingüe Pintor Colmeiro (1),

Diario de Eva / TWAIN, Mark   Publication: Positivas (Santiago) 1991 Physical description: 109 Availability: Items available for loan: IES Plurilingüe Pintor Colmeiro (1),

EL FORASTERO MISTERIOSO / TWAIN, MARK by TWAIN, MARK Publication: MADRID :ANAYA,S.A. 2000 Physical description: 218 Availability: Items available for loan: IES Plurilingüe Pintor Colmeiro (1),

UN YANQUI EN LA CORTE DEL REY ARTURO / TWAIN, MARK by TWAIN, MARK Publication: MADRID :ANAYA,S.A. 1999 Physical description: 394 Availability: Items available for loan: IES Plurilingüe Pintor Colmeiro (1),

The adventures of Tom Sawyer / TWAIN, Mark   Publication: Oxford University Press (Reino Unido) 2001 Physical description: 56 p. :il. ;20 cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES Plurilingüe Pintor Colmeiro (3),

Un ianqui na corte do rei Arturo / TWAIN, Mark   Publication: Xerais (Vigo) 1996 Physical description: 390 p. :il. branco e negro ;19 .cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES Plurilingüe Pintor Colmeiro (1),

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer / TWAIN, Mark   Publication: Oxford University Press (Oxford) 2000 Physical description: 56 ;20 .cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES Plurilingüe Pintor Colmeiro (1),

The 1,000,000 bank note / TWAIN, Mark   Publication: Vicens Vives (Barcelona) 1997 Physical description: 120 p. :il. cor ;21 cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES Plurilingüe Pintor Colmeiro (1),

Las aventuras de Ton Sawyer : Versión de M. Ângels Rubio / TWAIN, Mark   Publication: Biblioteca Hermés (Barcelona) 2005 Physical description: 143 ;21 .cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES Plurilingüe Pintor Colmeiro (1),

Las aventuras de Tom Sawyer / Mark Twain by Twain, Mark Publication: Madrid :Anaya 2001 Physical description: 320 p. ;21cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES Plurilingüe Pintor Colmeiro (2),

Las aventuras de Huckleberry Finn / Mark Twain ; Traducción Doris Rolfe Antonio Ferres ; Apéndice Doris Rolfe ; Ilustración E. W. Kemble, TWAIN, Mark, ROLFE, Doris, trad., apen., FERRES, Antonio, trad., KEMBLE, E. W., il. by TWAIN, Mark Publication: Madrid :Anaya 1995 Physical description: 351 p. : il. n. ; 20 cm Availability: Items available for loan: IES Plurilingüe Pintor Colmeiro (1),

Un yanqui en la Corte del rey Arturo / Mark Twain, [traducción, Salvador Bordoy Luque] by TWAIN, Mark Publication: Madrid :El País 2004 Physical description: 405 p. ;20cm Academic level: 1º-2º BAC Availability: Items available for loan: IES Plurilingüe Pintor Colmeiro (1),

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